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NAPPA Code of Conduct
The National Association of Public Pension Attorneys is a professional association intended to provide educational information and opportunities to its members. As provided in the NAPPA Bylaws, Section 4.F, members may not solicit business for themselves or their firm, organization, or business entity through NAPPA or at any NAPPA activity. Members may not use the membership list for commercial mailing purposes and may not provide it to non-members. Based upon these principles the following conduct codes apply to NAPPA members. Conduct at Conferences: 1. NAPPA expects that all members, including non-governmental members, who attend conferences, are there for educational opportunities. Professional networking (i.e., making contacts with people who can be sources of knowledge or help later on) is encouraged, but NAPPA is not a forum for unwelcome marketing activities. 2. Non-governmental members who make presentations at a NAPPA conference should not include any marketing materials in or with their presentations and/or hand-outs. PowerPoints and hand-outs may identify the speaker/author, the firm name, and contact information. 3. Non-governmental members may not schedule events for NAPPA members that conflict with any conference session. Conduct in Preparing Articles: Non-governmental members make valuable contributions to The NAPPA Report. However, the content of articles must be in keeping with the NAPPA mission and not include marketing information. Conduct in Using Listserves: Non-governmental members may use listserves for questions and information for NAPPA members. The content of any listserve must be in keeping with the NAPPA mission and not include marketing information. Dealing with Inappropriate Marketing Activities: 1. In general, any member who is subjected to unwelcome solicitation or "marketing" from another member can and should report that behavior to any Executive Board member or the Executive Director. 2. When a complaint is made about unwelcome marketing conduct, or there is a violation of paragraph 4.F of the Bylaws by a member, the Executive Board or Executive Director can investigate, warn (orally or in writing), or take any other action they deem appropriate. In accordance with the Bylaws Section 4.G (2), when the Executive Board is not satisfied that any lesser sanction will prevent a repeat of the conduct, the Executive Board may discontinue the individual's membership in NAPPA, or upon repeated violations, the member's firm or company. 3. The member who initiates or prolongs unwelcome discussions with other members, about his or her professional services, bears the risk that such an approach will be perceived as unwelcome marketing. Whether a certain conversation is "unwelcome" is purely a subjective determination made by the listener, so know your audience!